Thursday, July 11, 2013

Review: Family Guy: Peter Griffin vs. The Giant Chicken

Review: Family Guy: Peter Griffin vs. The Giant Chicken

Family Guy: Peter Griffin vs. The Giant Chicken


Family Guy: Peter Griffin vs. The Giant Chicken (DVD)
By Seth MacFarlane

Out of all the skits on the show, the Peter vs. Chicken is probably the most talked about and most cliche thing the show has to offer. "How do we fill out the rest of the episode? I don't know, a scene where peter says "Oh crap" and then we cut to a shot of the chicken and we start a fight between the two and the skit goes on for more way too long?"

This is the shows 'bottom of the barrel' writing, you know, when the writers can't think of something "funny" but don't care cause they realized now we're all idiots and don't care enough for real comedy as long as it involves a 7+ minutes long skit of something that can never happen(even if it's a cartoon) - there is a reason why Seth has made it apparent to himself kids watch this, cause they're the only ones left who actually watch this and get a kick out of it.(which is why adults find this show unoriginal)

All in all, this is a pointless DVD.... Seth is just milking the unfunniest skit on his unfunny show...... stupid.

(Hate all you want, this sucks.)

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